Soul Awakenings Newsletter Archives
The Two wings of the Heart . |
Everything I Love Expands . Spring 2013

The Manifesting Code of the heart is “Everything I love, Expands”. In our most recent workshops, we are encouraged to open our hearts and allow ourselves to love without limit, to experience what it feels like to just cut loose, without fear of loss or judgment. The way we may love our kitty. My passion is flowers and paper and as I echo the truth “Everything I love, Expands.” Read More
Activate Your Spiritual Function . Spring 2010

Spiritual functions are the action statement of our life purpose. They are the tools that magnetize spirit into matter. When we act from our spiritual function, tasks becomes easier, often more simple. Our goal is to utilize the power of spirit and gain a new level of confidence and security. Your influence is needed in the world and is more important than you realize. Read More
We Are In A Seed Planting Time . Fall 2009

This requires us to develop a direct relationship with our spirit, similar to how a seed uses the magnetic power of light to be born. These new states of consciousness must be nurtured, watered, as we cultivate a new ownership of our essential self. No longer can we use any identity that fosters separation, such as the wounded warrior or the abandoned child. Read More
A Letter To A Friend . Spring 2009

I have experienced a shattering of my old world - a crash that broke my cover personality, the part of me that tried so hard to earn my worthiness through doing, pretending over dysfunction and often covering it with pride. This false face hid a strange emptiness, a voiceless hollow, a place of fearful aloneness and ferocious self-righteousness. Read More
Living In The Present . Fall 2008

Right now we all need clarity, nourishment, strength and courage. We have to open ourselves to new ways of being. We are used to living from the will and striving to be in control. Read More
Archetypes And The Process Of Transition . Spring 2008

The process of personal transformation has occupied most of my career, as I have worked with those brave souls who, by inspiration or necessity, have been forced to change. I am often chosen as a guide because of my awareness of the inner working of the psyche, and my willingness to embrace spiritual principles so wholeheartedly. Read More
The Journey Into Wisdom . Fall 2007

Wisdom is the crown jewel of the spiritual heart. We all strive to hold the virtues associated with wisdom; selflessness, compassion, objectivity, flexibility, within a deep understanding of life and human nature. Read More
The Bliss Wave . Spring 2007

Happiness is a natural state and needs the right environment to develop. The Bliss training teaches us how to gather the strength to live in our hearts and stay connected to our higher self. Read More
Intuition . Fall 2006

Intuition is the ability to know and understand immediately without reasoning or being taught. It comes into our consciousness as an instant awareness of what is right in the moment. Read More
True Happiness . Spring 2006

True happiness is a measure of our lightness. It demonstrates the connection we have with our own heart space. Light is the internal aspect of happiness. Happiness is the external manifestation of our light that comes from the source of our being. Read More
The Path Of The Sacred Heart . Fall 2005

As humans, we are given some difficult assignments. Learning to love is one of them. In good moments, love is like a warm breeze, soft, easy and relaxed. We all treasure the times when our heart is open and we are expressing love. Read More
The Power To Transform . Spring 2005

The universe is offering us a challenge: to wake up from old power structures and embrace our spiritual journey, building strength, clarity and purpose into our actions. As always, this next step of our evolution starts within and then mirrors out into our greater community. Read More
Waking Up To Our Spiritual Potential . Fall 2004

Waking up to our spiritual potential is not an easy task. Our habitual thoughts and reactions are becoming stronger and are more apparent. Whatever we generate in consciousness comes back to us amplified, positive and negative. We live in exaggerated times. Read More
Walking Your Destiny . Spring 2004

As our spirit awakens, our true path of destiny reveals itself. When I meet with people in session, there’s a question that arises most every time, around a yearning deep inside. It's hard to put into words. It's often shrouded in mystery and pain. Read More
The Truth Shall Set You Free . Fall 2003

We can use this statement as a roadmap to generate courage for our next steps. Living in the truth is a continual process of awakening. Read More
Building Power . Spring 2003

Power is building throughout ourworld. The age-old choice is upon us once again. Do we establish a new world order based on integrity and our goodness or do we collapse under the pressures of aggression and destruction? Read More
What's Next . Fall 2002

According to the Cosmic Clock*, we have about 10 years left in what the Buddhists call the Iron Age. We then proceed into the long promised Golden Age of Light. The Mayan calendar charts the end of time as 2012, while certain Vedic traditions denote 2010. Read More
Impending Change . Spring 2002

Where is a feeling of impending change and challenge everywhere. An intensification of light and dark pulls the covers off our delusions, allowing the recognition of patterns that run our life. Read More
Heart Awakeing . Fall 2001

We invite you to go on a journey into the heart. In this newsletter, we will develop five principles. We ask you to work with each principle, building fields of empowerment that allow the heart to blossom. This process will propel you into the new paradigm of Heart Centered Action. Read More
Sacred Heart . Spring 2001

Few times in our recorded history has the sacred heart been so available. This awakening of the heart center shows us our condition, where we focus our love and where we live in loss. The journey ahead will teach us how to function within the sacred heart with mastery, demonstrating wisdom and compassion. Read More