Loving is easy, it is getting there that can be the challenge. I love spontaneous combustion, where I stop thinking and filtering for a moment. The universe opens the gates and there we are, full and rich in the moment. As great as these moments are, our real work is to cultivate a pure heart, to be love. What is that mean? Love registers in the body as a warm current that moves up and down the spine, bringing a feeling of expansion and fullness.
You can set intentions to Be Love, that’s good. Yet the fastest way to open is to breathe into the heart, encouraging ‘Relax and Allow'. Your heart field, registering the permission to open, will take it from there.
You can set intentions to Be Love, that’s good. Yet the fastest way to open is to breathe into the heart, encouraging ‘Relax and Allow'. Your heart field, registering the permission to open, will take it from there.